Thursday, September 30, 2021

Acne treatment in Vasundhara, Ghaziabad

 Acne is an ailment which is caused by the blocking of skin pores connecting the oil glands clogged by dirt due to pollution and exposure to the Sun. Acne is one of the most common skin disorders mostly found in women. It is characterised by red pimples on skin especially on the face. It also appears on neck, chest, back and shoulders. It is caused due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and is present mostly in adolescents and is common during puberty. Various factors cause acne and the main causes are genetics, hormonal changes during pregnancy, growth hormones during teenage, effects of weather change and type of skin texture.

Occurrence of acne is not dangerous and should not create an alarm to those affected by it but since there is possibility of acne leaving a scar on the face it has to be immediately attended to prevent aggravation and scars. Acne effects three persons in every four persons aged between 11 to 30 years so it is one of the most common skin ailment today. The type of treatment recommended depends on the severity of the acne and consultation with a dermatologist is always prudent in severe cases.

Risk factors causing acne are deliberate squeezing of pimples, mensural cycles, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climate, genetics and using oil based make up. Mild acne can be treated by medications such as gels, creams lotions that are applied on the effected skin. These medications contain ingredients which break the blackheads and white heads, kills bacteria, slows the production sebum and helps to unblock the pores. Always a mild cream or lotion is recommended first which can be changed into a stronger one if acne does not subside. Moderate to severe acne has undoubtedly to be treated by a dermatologist. Skin specialists in Vasundhara are well qualified and trained professionals to give you accurate diagnosis and treatment. They may prescribe a medication or a topical antibiotic for application or in case of rupture of an acne cyst it may be treated by injecting a diluted corticosteroid. This procedure can reduce inflammation and prevent scarring and speed up healing. Dermatologists in Vasundhara may prescribe medicine that works throughout the body instead only on the affected area. This is done when acne is of red and swollen type meaning increased severity. This type of treatment involves antibiotics, birth control pills that work on hormones and isotretinoin. Other clinical procedure to treat acne may involve laser and light therapies, chemical peels and acne removal by drainage and extraction to remove large cysts. This is usually done when acne's response to medication is not effective. So, it is always advisable not to wait for the acne to clear by itself as it can aggravate and cause further complications.

Immediate acne treatment is also important as it boosts a person's self-esteem by improving his looks.

TagsDermatologists in VasundharaSkin specialists in Vasundhara


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Treatment Options For Warts Provided By Dermatologists And Skin Doctor In Indirapuram

Warts are the single reason most people are dissatisfied with their appearance which is why Dermatologists And Skin Doctor In Indirapuram have launched services for their treatment. Although this asymptomatic extension of the skin as per definition doesn’t really have many implications other than a rare risk of perpetration as they are caused by the human papilloma virus, but the unsightly appearance makes it very difficult for people to cope up in real life as it hinders with their flawless appearance and causes many self-esteem issues. If the warts brush away by clothes or friction, they can be very painful too. And Indirapuramhas become a hub of warts due to the environment here which makes it favorable for warts to grow. But warts do need to be treated hence you need to consult a dermatologist or skin specialist at the earliest to treat this condition and improve your appearance.

Treatment options for warts provided by Dermatologists And Skin Doctor InIndirapuram

Warts should be removed if they cause pain, have tendency to spread to other parts of your body and create problems with your beauty.

Warts should be treated in such a way that no scar tissue is left behind, otherwise it becomes very painful and unsightly. Recurrence may be there in some cases.

Here are the treatment options for curing warts:

  • Medicinal therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Surgical alternative like electrosurgery and curettage.
  • Lasers
  • Chemical peeling procedures

Make sure the likelihood for scar formation is minimum while going for treatment. Chemical peeling treatments cryotherapy and lasers are least likely to leave behind scars.

This treatment is painful. So you should be able to tolerate pain, otherwise use medicines like cantharidin, retinoids, imiquimod, etc.

Always consult a well-qualified and skilled doctor and get your proper medical history taken before treatment as some medical conditions may be aggravated by this procedure if precautions are not taken. If your warts keep reappearing a more stronger and stringent treatment modality is required.

The extent of the lesion determines the treatment you should go for. In case of larger amount of warts, a gentler treatment option is preferred.

Age is an important factor for selecting treatment. You don't want to have any complications by aggressive procedures.

Moreover, see if the treatment option suits your schedule as you need to pay multiple visits for monitoring and follow up.

So far, cryotherapy has generated the best results. It involves freezing the wart to extremely low temperatures using liquid nitrogen and then letting the wart dry off and detach itself. It is noninvasive and convenient with a lesser recurrence rate. Chemical peeling with salicylic acid and glycolic acid is also a good and time saving option, it is gentler as well.

Just make sure that whatever treatment option you choose, suits well for the condition of warts and they never return to haunt you again. Also, your previous health record and credentials of the dermatologist are crucial.


TagsDermatologists And Skin Doctor In IndirapuramChemical peeling treatments


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Use Latest Treatment at Best Skin Clinics in Indirapuram for Glowing Skin

 Most of the people have good skin but that is not the situation always. To remove the troubles afflicting your skin, visit the Best Skin Clinics in Indirapuram immediately. They give you the treatment for ensuring there is no more trouble with your skin and you have the best, healthy skin.

Get good facial skin

Best Skin Clinics in Indirapuram helps remove fine lines and wrinkles on your face. They deal with mole excision and electrocautery. They use fillers and Botox to pack in the gaps, so the folds in the skin will disappear. This helps fill the face out and make it appear healthy.

For mole excision they use advanced techniques such as electrocautery. This removes the moles without any problems. The procedure is simple and takes only an hour or two to complete. Also, they will remove the scars on your face due to chicken pox. The best method of doing this is through chemical peeling. There is no harsh action on the skin but the entire blemishes on the skin will go.

Choose from the Best Skin Clinics in Indirapuram

You have many clinics in Indirapuram that will help you get best skin treatment. Consult them online and fix an appointment and then get your face done. This process is simple. You can stay at a hotel in Indirapuram and finish your treatment. The next day you can return home.

If you need skin peels or skin glow treatment, they will do it for you. For brightening and toning of the skin, they do the medi-facials. You can opt for skin whitening or skin lightening procedures. This will take minimal time and you get the best results.

Laser skin resurfacing is the latest technique for treatment of pigmentation, superficial facial scars, wrinkles, and fine lines that show up in an ugly manner on your face. This occurs if you go out in the sun too much or due to aging. People with too much acne also face this problem. Through this process, you can remove the blemishes once and for all. When the skin heals, new skin cells appear that are younger and healthier. This will make the face look fantastic. You get affordable and worthwhile treatment from the Best Skin Clinics in Indirapuram.

If you get blisters around your mouth often, then you must inform your doctor about it before you begin the laser skin resurfacing. Also, stop smoking for two weeks before the surgery. You can opt for skin hydration to make the facial skin soft and supple. As the skin ages, there is a gradual drop in the levels of hyaluronic acid of the skin.

Improve tone of skin

The skin clinic will supply injections for enhancing these levels. These injections have bio-stimulating properties. Ifyou stimulate the skin, the production of elastin and collagen increases. This results in better osmotic pressure and elasticity. The dermal treatment is an outpatient treatment and you need not stay at the hospital overnight. The procedure takes 45 minutes for treating parts of the face. If you need to do the full face, it will take 2 hours.




TagsBest Skin Clinics in IndirapuramLaser skin resurfacing in Indirapuramfillers and Botox in Indirapuram

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Are Laser Treatment For Acne Scar Works?



Laser treatment for acne scare can't remove the scars completely but reduce the appearance of the scars. Laser therapy also used for removing tumours, improve vision, stops hair loss and treating pain.
Dermatologists use light therapy on the top layers of the skin. Laser therapy is used to break the acne scar tissue. It encourages the growth of healthy skin cells and also masks the damaged tissues. The procedure also minimizes the pain and itching and also prevent the formation of the scar after surgery.

Before going for the laser treatment a few things such as,do you have active acne, darker skin tone or very wrinkled skin? If yes, you might not a suitable candidate for the laser treatment. A dermatologist can give you better advice on whether you should go for the treatment or not.

Types Of Acne Scars

A dermatologist tends to recommend the following type of scars.

  • Burn scars
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Injury scars

Laser treatment is beneficial for superficial scars. Deep scars need to refer to the more intensive treatment. A combination of therapies may require for some cases, such as laser therapy along with injectable fillers, to reduce the appearance of a scar.

Laser Treatment Procedure For Acne Scars

The treatment takes two days for acne scarring. The procedure of laser treatment includes the following:

  • The doctor will check the medical history of the patient.
  • He will examine the site of the scar and mark it by using a pen.
  • A doctor will clean the area and inject a local anaesthetic or use a numbing cream on the scar.
  • If the laser treatment is going to happen on the face, the patient will ask to wear protective goggles.
  • A doctor will place a towel or gauze around the site of the surgery to avoid the harmful effect of laser on healthy skin cells.
  • The laser will be heating up to remove the top layer of the skin at the area of the scar.
  • The doctor then peels off the top layer.
  • The doctor will apply a cooling saline or water solution occasionally.
  • Skin appears smooth & scars are less visible.
  • Heat and light of the laser encourage the growth of new cells.
  • It promotes healing of the skin.
  • Encourage blood flow at the site and minimize inflammation.
  • Red appearance of scars become less.
  • After completing the treatment, the doctor will apply ointment and apply dressing on the area to cover it.

Types Of Laser Used In Acne Scars

The common kind of lasers used for acne scarring is.

Ablative laser resurfacing

  • It took 3 to 10 days to subside the redness.
  • It uses erbium YAG or carbon dioxide CO2 laser.
  • The aim is to remove the complete upper layer of the skin affected from the scar.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing

  • It uses infrared lasers.
  • The aim is to produce collagen protein to enhance skin elasticity.
  • It encourages new cell development.
  • It replaces the scarred and damaged tissues.

Fractionated laser treatment

  • It uses fractional lasers (Fraxel).
  • Stimulate the removal of darkly pigmented cells underneath the top layer of the skin.
  • Treatment has a better response for boxcar and icepick scars.

Is Laser Treatment Permanent?

The treatment has a direct effect on blood vessels to contract them. It makes the skin less itchy and red. The treatment requires 3 to 5 sessions to complete the procedure. Yes, it is a permanent treatment to reduce the appearance of the scar.

Side Effects And Complications Of Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

The laser treatment has some potential risks and side effects. The variation in side effects basically depends on several factors, such as:

What type of skin you have?

Which kind of laser is used?

And how many sessions you may require?

The procedure uses light and heat. Therefore, it is possible that you may experience some side effects, such asswelling, itching, redness, pain, bleeding, scarring, skin discoloration, discomfort, and skin infection.


Studies have shown that laser cannot remove the scars completely but the therapy effectively minimizes the appearance of scars and also reduce their thickness. Although the treatment has successful results, you should take several precautions before the laser treatment, such as avoid taking any blood-thinning supplements like aspirin 2 weeks before the treatment. Stop smoking before the treatment. Protection from the sun is essential before and after the treatment. Apart from this, a medical consultation is crucial before taking laser treatment.


CategoriesAcne Scar


TagsLaser Treatment For Acne ScarAcne ScarDermatologists