Skin problems are such problems which directly affect your personality and thus tend to bring down your self-confidence considerably. A good skin tone with natural radiance is sure to boost up your self-confidence and you would definitely radiate a positive energy from within to all those you come across and interact. However, you are privileged enough to be born in this era of scientific and medical advancement where every day, development of new cosmetic treatment procedures happen; now, it is not a Herculean task to bring about miraculous cures for your skin problems. A dermatologist is a doctor whose area of specialization is skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. There are more than 3000 skin disorders that fall under the treatment control of a dermatologist. A dermatologist can give you a real solution to any skin disorders pertaining to your age, pigmentation, accidents, hair loss and many other endless reasons. The best dermatologist in Indirapuram works to improve his patients’ skin problems, hair problems, nails and many more, helping them to get a real personality boost.
There may be many skin disorders, but the new age skin treatments are absolutely free from any severe side-effects and are truly dependable with minimum downtime. Some common treatments by experienced practitioner create miracle to your age-long skin ailments, some of which are mentioned here.
IPL for Acne
The Intense Pulse Light treatment is one of the most sought after and effective acne treatments nowadays, which very smoothly and painlessly destroys the bacteria, causing acne, is most cases. This is a treatment that works without the use of any external drugs and with minimum downtime. On moderate inflammatory acnes, this treatment has proven results till date.
Photo Facial
A most effective procedure for treating brown spots, skin loosening and other skin troubles, in which, some kind of Intense Pulse Light technology is used in special bandwidth on the melanin, collagen and haemoglobin of the skin. This kind of facial treatment results in skin tightening and brightening within short span.
Vampire Facial
This is an innovative kind of facial treatment that uses the implanting of Platelets Rich Plasma and injecting of blood back to the face, helping it to renew and rejuvenate. Several signs of ageing like damaging skin tone, collapsed facial shape and lesser smooth texture are treated through this facial treatment.
Thread Lift

The best dermatologist in Indirapuram ( is always ready to guide you and treat you with all latest skin treatments available nowadays. Not only do they provide you with these treatments, but they also guide you to maintain a skin healthy lifestyle with appropriate food habits that would help you to sustain the effects of these treatments for long. The treatments will be long lasting only when they are internally supported by your body system.